Poo. At least I got the coupon. |
Apparently, trying to eat better and working out for an hour three times a week for two weeks does not a good iron level make. Of course, this came after I was bragging about getting in and out quickly because I was doing double red donations.
But you don't care about my donation woes, you want to know how the quilt is coming!
The answer is, well. |
Surprisingly so, in fact. I speed pieced about 10 blocks today, all I have to do is sew on the purpley border and iron the seams and I'll have a total of 16 blocks finished, 20 more to go. For the border. At least the smaller ones. There's a bunch of bigger ones at the top, but I'll talk about the plan next post.
I was actually wigging out a little this afternoon because the red fabric originally hailed from Country Quiltworks, the store I almost cleaned out. Or would have. If I hadn't know Glenn would kill me, that is. Anyways, so I looked around this afternoon to see if it came down to it whether or not I'd be able to find more, or whether I'd have to substitute something else in, since I only have less than a yard.
Iron. Is awesome. I am lacking it, apparently. |
Unfortunately, the fabric hails from the
Treasures from the York County Trust collection of fabrics. It is essentially a limited run fabric. Ok, I thought, no problem, there's got to be more. Oh look, they tell you who bought the entire collection for selling!
Country Quiltworks was one of the 5 or so stores they had on record.
The Fabric Shack has it in stock! HOORAY! I have them bookmarked just in case I run out, and if I do I will make an emergency order for a yard or two. It's such a lovely fabric too, I might buy some of the other fabrics from the collection. But if anyone buys out the red, I will hunt them down.
So I wanted to talk a little about my charity case fabrics. I know you all have them, those fabrics you just couldn't resist to plump up an order, or were on sale, or whatever. For some reason, you bought them on a whim. They're a little homely, a little off in color or design, but you thought, "I'll find a use for them surely. They'll go great with that green I've had kicking around forever."
This was destined for the Marchen quilt... until Jess said no. |
Only now you can't find a single reason or place to use them. Dutifully you pull them out come every project, trying them with fabric after fabric after fabric, hoping that this time you can use the fabric if only to get it out of your stash and into something useful you can pawn off on the ignorant but appreciative relative who's been bothering you for a quilt.
Impulse buy. Will probably never get to use. Except as a pillowcase. |
Someday, you tell yourself. Someday I'll find the perfect niche for this fabric. I'll keep it for years and years until even the designer has forgotten about it, and then I'll slice it up and sew it and quilt it into the most stunning quilt anyone's ever seen. And they'll all ask where I found such a unique fabric, and even I won't remember, because it's been so long and the fabric has been so pernicious and stubborn about leaving the stash. And everyone will be jealous of your find, the find that no one else wanted.
Here's to you, Mr. "Color is never quite right for whatever I'm working on". |
And now, I am off to a Snow Ball.
College is awesome.
That is all.
<3 Marisa
Hey Marisa - great blog. Seeing the pic of speed piecing the half-square triangles made me wonder if you've discovered yet the way cool/fast way to really speed piece a bunch of triangles by putting entire pieces of fabric together in big squares or rectangles and then marking the cutting lines and then just speed sewing it all continuously. You then just cut along the lines you drew and voila, mega amounts of triangles! Check out this site! http://www.patchwork-and-quilting.com/grid-pieced-half-square-triangles.html
ReplyDeleteI have actually! I did try it at one point, but the time it took for me to draw out the lines and sew both seams into the squares just didn't work for me; I'm much faster just doing the triangles, and I feel like I'm also much more accurate. I will probably give it a shot again some time in the future, but thank you for the guide! The last one I used wasn't entirely clear on the concept, so I really appreciate having a better tutorial. :)
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