I kinda miss it now. |
So you remember this fabric? The one I've been fiddling with for a few days? I'll bet you're curious what it looks like now, since I've gotten everything sewn and ironed and the like.
Good thing I cleaned up before Glenn got home--he wouldn't have been able to make it past the door! |
The answer is something like this. :) I took over the carpet by the door today to lay it all out and plan how I'm going to finish this bad boy, and man am I pleased with it. I love OBW's that have a central finger, it just adds a whole lot of texture and movement to the quilt. Luckily, the hexagons decided to cooperate with me and happily yielded enough reds to allow for the movement I was hoping for.
Tomorrow's task. Here's hoping I don't mess up the order! |
I did make one minor modification from the picture up top--those two dark red blocks have since been moved to the bottom, to allow for a more gradual swoosh up to the top of the quilt. I'm about a quarter of the way through sewing the columns together, then it's just a matter of lining everything up and trimming. I plan on adding either a white or bright red mini border, with a larger black border on the outside. Of course, that will have to wait until I have a job, but I have a good feeling about this quilt.
I'm thinking of quilting it with red on the red bits, and black everywhere else. I think it will look really neat, but I don't know whether I'll do it on my machine or perhaps take it to a long armer. I am thinking about perhaps entering this one into a quilt show whenever the next one nearest to me is!
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