In other words, it finally snowed. Still is, as a matter of fact, and it makes me superawesomehappy. Yes, that's a real word, I'm an English major, I would know.

Haven't made any progress on the quilt since I got back... I blame papers and distractions. I do however have some lovely pictures of snow and from my visit a few weeks ago to the Smith and Schneekloth clans!

As you might recall from my first posts, Beppy (Glenn's aunt) and Ann are really to blame for getting me into quilting. Well, the whole family is, really, but these two are the worst culprits. When I came down to celebrate Grammy and Apa's anniversary and surprise everyone, us gals had some quilt time to show off our accomplishments. You've seen enough of my quilt, so here's Beppy's BOM quilt she did (which I think looks fabulous!).

Pictures courtesy of Lynn. I will fix this so it's right side up, I promise!
Really cute blocks, but I don't think I want to try triangles just yet.
And Ann's quilt, which she's started to bind up!
I adore the blues and teals and purples and even the greens.
I did make some progress on procuring supplies for the quilt; I bought a ginormous thing of Gutterman thread at Joann's yesterday, so maybe after my essay is done for my Vampires class (whaaaaat?) I'll work on quilting some more. I also started hunting down Christmas gifts... Urp, there goes my sewing budget!

I'll leave you on this Wintry Wednesday with some more pictures of the snow. There would be one of me frolicking and jumping for joy, but Jess was uncooperative with my endeavors. Oh well. ;)

I will say one thing: the scar on my arm is just one of many. Damn iguanas!
