A wild Marisa appears!

Is it a little sad that I had to check the blog history to see if I'd used this title before?

Ah well. Time makes fools of us all. As does the house buying process! Yes, I am happy to report I am now a proud home owner, local quilt guild member, and holy mother of god I swear I'm still a kid I swear.

That's right, I've joined a guild! The Valley Forge Homestead Quilters, to be exact. I attended my first meeting last night and had an absolute blast. Everyone was so kind and happy to see me, and I got to listen to a great talk from Lisa Calle about her quilting journey and see some lovely quilts. I'm so excited for next month's meeting, and for the Oaks Quilt Show after.

That last post I teased never got written, so I'm going to do a huge photo dump here, then this weekend post about the block of the month I'm doing with the guild. Even though I'm totally a bajillion months behind. >.> <.< I will say though I'm fond of the colors I chose for it.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the photo dump, and I will see you again this weekend!
